Here's something you don't see every day: A Montana State University Bobcats logo in Europe.

A Redditor by the name of "UncleG90" posted on the Golf subreddit page asking what kind of logo is he looking at.


Which logo is this?
byu/UncleG90 ingolf

The user wrote "Found this Pro V1x in the Woods in the Netherlands. I don't know what this logo is. Is it from a football or icehockey team? Would really like to know this before i slice it back into the Woods. Thanks!"

I love the self-deprecation by calling your own golf game. That's good fun.

A different Redditor came to the rescue informing them it's an MSU Bobcat ball. Then the original post was copied into the Montana subreddit page where some folks had more witty, comedic responses.

Like this Redditor, who's name I can't spell out because it's slightly inappropriate, who said "I knew I hit it far but that has to be some kind of record." That is a wicked slice hammering it from Bozeman to The Netherlands.

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Then of course the Griz-Cat rivalry popped up when a user, assuming they're a Griz fan, said "Griz player would have hit it farther just sayin."

To which then a presumably Cats fan chirped back saying "That Cat player would understand it's about hitting the ball into the hole, not bombing it across the Atlantic Ocean."

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Ahh we love the rivalry. It never takes a day off even when it comes to golf balls in The Netherlands.

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Montana is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The best small towns in Montana are easy to find if you know where to look. And an interesting part of enjoying it's beauty is that you don't even have to leave the road to see stunning scenery. Simply driving on our major roads will supply you with picture perfect views.
We put together this series of pictures that we found only with Google Street View. If the Google car didn't go there, neither did we. Every shot here is a screen grab of somewhere on a road in Montana.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

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