More Montana Transplants? You Got That Right And, They’re Nasty
Ah, my Montana friends. Do I have a story for you, and you're NOT going to like it. It has everything to do with people moving to Montana from California, Texas, and Florida. But it's not the people who are the problem - it's what they're bringing with them to Montana.
It's not about their politics, their money, their ability to buy a 2nd home, their manners, their expectations, or their fancy SUVs. It potentially could be a huge problem and it's all about some stowaways in their packed moving boxes: Montana's got cockroaches, folks.
To be fair, this isn't the first discovery of roaches in Montana, but the problem is growing at an alarming rate in fast-growing cities like Bozeman and Billings. I know this because I discussed it with a local pest control expert. We have a yearly, seasonal ant problem in our neighborhood so he came over to do the normal spot treatment...and of course we got to talking about bugs.
Long story short, folks who pack up their belongings from other warmer states, drive their stuff to Montana, unpack said boxes in their new Montana homes...are often unpacking cockroaches from their original homes. Hitchhikers, if you will. Now Montana is their home. Given the right conditions, those cockroaches can make a pretty good life inside a Montana home.
There ARE a couple of positives to this potential infestation. Montana is not an ideal location for these pests, as they thrive under warm and humid conditions. We're certainly not known as having humid weather, AND it gets damn cold here in the winter. Roaches can't reproduce in temps below 40 or 35 degrees. But, if they've made themselves comfy in a new, heated house...
It's really important for new residents who move to Montana to be extra careful with their cargo and boxes. Our local pest expert said roaches can sneak right into items and boxes being boxed up and then simply hide out. Then, POOF! They've made the trip with you to Montana. Pest experts in Montana now regularly take calls and perform treatments for cockroaches. It's a regular thing now.