Fire Restrictions Change After Week of Cool Montana WeatherFire Restrictions Change After Week of Cool Montana WeatherCampfires are possible, but only in established campgroundsDennis BraggDennis Bragg
Montana wildfires stats to dateMontana wildfires stats to dateMontana's seen over 100 thousand acres burned.Ace SauerweinAce Sauerwein
Cool Montana Weather Helps With Fire That Turned Paradise to HellCool Montana Weather Helps With Fire That Turned Paradise to HellThe blaze exploded from a grass fire to burn thousands of acres in hoursDennis BraggDennis Bragg
How Local Authorities are Clamping Down to Stop Montana FiresHow Local Authorities are Clamping Down to Stop Montana FiresAll campfires are banned under Stage 2 restrictions.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Lightning Leaves Montana Ranch's Winter Hay Supply In AshesLightning Leaves Montana Ranch's Winter Hay Supply In AshesA local ranch is asking for the community's help to recover funds after a lightning strike burned their entire winter's worth of hay.Kai WilliamsKai Williams
Watch Thermal Time Lapse Footage of Big Knife Fire in Arlee Watch Thermal Time Lapse Footage of Big Knife Fire in Arlee The Big Knife fire outside of Arlee has got a webcam set up nearby that allows people to see the fire in real-time. The webcam also allows a person to view the fire using thermal imaging. KCKC
Over 20,000 Acres Burn as High Winds Rake Northern RockiesOver 20,000 Acres Burn as High Winds Rake Northern RockiesWith more high winds, heat and low humidities forecast, firefighters might not get a break until week's end.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
What You Shouldn't be Doing as Montana Fire Danger ClimbsWhat You Shouldn't be Doing as Montana Fire Danger ClimbsRestrictions aimed at stopping human-caused fires.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
First "Red Flag" Forecast as Montana Fire Danger SoarsFirst "Red Flag" Forecast as Montana Fire Danger SoarsFire critical weather expected through Monday night.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Pilot and CEO Tim Sheehy Working the Colt Fire Near Seeley LakePilot and CEO Tim Sheehy Working the Colt Fire Near Seeley LakeSeveral wildfires have been reported in western Montana, one of them being the Colt Fire which is burning near Seeley Lake.Peter ChristianPeter Christian