Look in your backyard and chances are you can hear the big brood energy-- countless cicadas have emerged from their years of slumber and the result is dang near deafening.

That's right, y'all, Brood XIX, a periodical brood of cicadas, has begun to hatch in parts of the Southern United States. Periodical cicadas spend basically all of their developmental periods underground (tbh they should just stay there) before all maturing and popping up at the same time-- biblical plague style.

Brood XIX is known as "The Great Southern Swarm," but these cicadas aren't the only ones at the party-- Brood XII, another set of periodical cicadas, is also emerging in the Midwest. Brood XII is known as "The Northern Illinois Brood."

READ MORE: Cicada Pee Will Shower the United States This Summer

Check out the map below from the USDA Forest Service to see where each brood is, well, brooding--and where Broods XIX and XII overlap.

This map from the USDA Forest Service shows where Brood XIX (blue) will hatch, where Brood XII will surface Red) and where both broods are set to emerge (yellow).
This map from the USDA Forest Service shows where Brood XIX (blue) will hatch, where Brood XII will surface Red), and where both broods are set to emerge (yellow).

Gross, right? Or fascinating depending on your entomological preferences... Either way, these broods are here and they want y'all to know it.

Videos like the one above show how loud these cicadas can be. There's even a term for the sound you're hearing: it's called a susurration, which means 'constant whispering or murmuring.' The USDA Forest Service says the susurration can reach decibel levels of 90-120--that's about the same volume as a motorcycle or lawnmower.

The good news is that while these trillions of cicadas are annoying, they don't pose an imminent danger. The pesky pests cannot sting; however, they can damage plants and certain trees. Hey, If you're brave enough, you could try eating them yourself.

The bad news is that there's no real course of action for us except to endure our collective Cicada Era and wait for the summer swarm to return to their subterranean slumber.

LOOK: Brood XIX Emerges in The South

Periodical cicadas known as "Brood XIX" have begun to emerge in parts of the American South.

Gallery Credit: Meg Dowdy

LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state

Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.

Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state, as well as across the nation.

Gallery Credit: Elena Kadvany

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