5 Of The Most Deadly Insects In The World Call Montana Home.
Here in Montana, there are a number of things that can kill you.
Wildlife such as bears, elk, moose, mountain lions, and deer can certainly be a threat, as can natural disasters such as forest fires, floods, and avalanches. Not to mention certain outdoor activities like mountain climbing, and rafting can also provide an increased level of danger.
Oh, and don't forget we live on top of the world's largest super volcano, so there's that.

If that wasn't enough, now we have something else to add to the list. Apparently, Montana is home to 5 of the most deadly insects in the world according to the folks over at Field and Stream.
If you spend any time outdoors hiking, camping, or just enjoying all that Montana has to offer, you need to make sure you check yourself for these nasty little critters. The Rocky Mountain Wood Tick is very common around the state and each year, there are a couple of dozen tickborne illnesses that are reported across the state with the most common being Lyme Disease. However, according to the article the deadliest illness is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which has a case-fatality rate of 30 percent in certain untreated patients
If you own a dog and never had to deal with fleas, consider yourself lucky. They are tiny little things, but they pack a punch. Fleas can carry several different illnesses, including "The Plague" was was responsible for killing 25 million people several hundred years ago. Apparently, the plague is still around and there are a few cases reported in the U.S. each year. There are 3,000 different types of fleas around the world.
There are several different variations of ants around the world, and while they can kill you, the percentage is very unlikely. However, their bite is known to be painful. Montana has over 15 different types of ants across the state, with the most annoying being the fire ant.
Bees are one of the most productive insects in the world. From pollination to producing honey, we depend on these little critters more than most of us are aware of. Having said that, they can also kill you. The sting of a bee can cause anaphylactic shock, which claims several lives each year. Oddly enough, 80 percent of the deaths from anaphylactic shock in the United States are male.
Often referred to as the deadliest creature on the planet, Montana is no stranger to mosquitoes. With a death toll of over 700,000 around the world each year, mosquitoes carry several diseases that are harmful. Including Malaria and West Nile. Mosquitoes are not only harmful to humans, but they also infect pets, such as dogs with heartworms which is often deadly to the animal.
The good news? In Montana, half of the year is winter.
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