Important Update: On behalf of Missoula Parks and Recreation, for the most up-to-date list of open storm debris drop sites, please visit
Please disregard any prior storm debris drop-off information and refer to the link above for the latest information.
Original Story:

Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - Missoula City Fire Chief Gordy Hughes made a special point of asking to appear on the KGVO Talk Back Show on Thursday following the severe thunderstorm on Wednesday night. 

Hundreds of tree limbs and other yard waste lined the streets and neighborhoods of Missoula after the storm, and Chief Hughes asked Missoula residents to transport the trees and waste to specific locations for recycling. 

“As far as debris management goes, people are going to be wondering where to get rid of their vegetation, and I specify vegetation because we don’t want people to take the opportunity of getting rid of their old couches,” began Chief Hughes. “We want to dispose of the vegetation and tree limbs and things of that nature.” 

Hughes provided specific locations where vegetation can be taken for disposal. 

“We have drop-off points on city properties,” he said. “One on the north side of the Clark Fork at Rogers Street; this would be to the east of the city cemetery off of Rogers Street. We’re setting up a southside repository location west of Larchmont (Golf Course) on a triangular piece of city property there off of Fort Missoula Road; and then, of course, Missoula Compost will be taking tree branches and natural vegetation.” 


The following sites are now available for residents to drop-off debris from the storm at no cost. They will be open for the next two weeks; certain sites have designated hours.

Garden City Compost is the primary dump site, so use this site first. Only dump debris in designated areas and follow all on-site instructions.
  • Garden City Compost (1125 Clark Fork Lane)
  • Fort Missoula (36th Street lot)
  • Larchmont triangle (access of Post Siding Road)
  • Playfair Park (west lost, north of ball fields)
  • McCormick Park (east lot)
  • Fort Missoula Ponds (access via 40th Avenue, open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Credit: Missoula County
Credit: Missoula County

For those without the means to move the vegetation themselves, Hughes had this advice. 

“If you don’t have means to transport, we ask that you pile the debris as best as you can in a boulevard out of traffic and pedestrian walkways," Hughes said.


Estimated Costs to Fight Montana's Biggest Wildfires Summer 2024

The data below comes from and the Lolo National Forest Facebook page and will be updated regularly. The following information was updated 7/25/2024.

Gallery Credit: Ashley

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