Miranda is Ready to ‘Snuggle’ in Your Montana Home
If you're looking for a polite puppy that's ready for "cuddles", we found the perfect dog for you this week on our "Take Me Home Tuesday" segment on KYSS-FM.
This week's visitor was Miranda, a seven-month-old mixed breed that just arrived at the Humane Society of Western Montana's shelter south of Missoula and is ready to become a part of your family.
Miranda was all manners when she came into the studio with Allison Kadler from the Humane Society Tuesday morning, making friends, but also respectful of your space, and hers.
"Yeah, this is a timid little baby," Kadler noted. "She's beautiful. Black and white colored. She is going to be a large mixed-breed girl."
Kadler says Miranda would do best in a family with another older, confident dog, that could teach her the "ropes."
"She's a little shy. She loves human attention. We don't know too much about her. We just got her in over the weekend, so she's new," Kadler told us. "But yeah, she's very ready to please her humans and be your new best friend. Snuggle with you."
Of course, being an announcer on Montana's favorite country music station, I was already making connections with Miranda Lambert, and song titles. And I'm sure Miranda would be the kind of pup to be willing to ride around in your "Little Red Wagon", at least to begin with. If she brings her love to your home in no time I can see her taking part in all your adventures.
To meet Miranda, or any of the other wonderful dogs and cats up for adoption now, visit the Humane Society Shelter on Highway 93, just south of Blue Mountain Road.