Yes, Montana has more residents than we've ever had. They've come from many different parts of the country, and they have just as many reasons as there are transplants. I remember moving from the midwest to Montana and being unfamiliar with Montana customs and lifestyles, so it would have been helpful if there was a kind of catch-all guide to understanding the Treasure State before I moved here.

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Hank Green Isn't The State's Only Resident

There's over a million people that live here, and not all of them are award-winning author and social media creator Hank Green. We're made up of farmers, ranchers, business professionals, outdoor enthusiasts, and college students. We give Hank his props but you won't learn everything about the state by watching his videos.

We Don't All Love "Yellowstone"

Thread after thread accuse the show of inviting people that want to cosplay as John Dutton by moving here, and questions are being raised as to whether or not our infrastructure can handle that many people. The University of Montana conducted this study of the show's economic impact and it's worth the read.

This CNBC interview sums up what to expect in a "Yellowstonified" Montana:

If you want to live there, bring your checkbook. Former residents will find their home state is far more expensive than when they left.


Rocky Mountain Oysters

Credit: Kai Schwoerer / Getty Images
Credit: Kai Schwoerer / Getty Images

We got used to the reputation surrounding the Testy Festy just outside of Missoula and its issues with security and drunk driving. But whether or not you'd like the taste of bull testicles is something you'd have to experience for yourself before passing judgement on it.

But if its not your thing, we still have plenty of cattle farmers in Montana who will provide beefy steaks to restaurants and farm-to-table markets. That seems to satiate the average palate.

The "Montanabahn"

Credit: Benny Edwin
Credit: Benny Edwin

Back in the mid 1990s, you could drive as fast as you wanted to on Montana highways. As long as it was "reasonable and prudent" there was no official highway speed limit. This ended in 1999 when Montana slapped a speed limit on highways after State of Montana v Stanko brought up the confusion over how fast was too fast.

We still have stretches of highway that are 80 mph in some areas but no, you can't go as fast as you want in Montana anymore.

Is there something that you'd love to explain to out-of-staters? Let us know in the comments.

9 Pictures of The Cutest Little Critter in Montana

This wild animal is known as the most adorable species in Yellowstone National Park.