As if our local Missoula library couldn't get any cooler after the incredible remodel, now they are offering activities and classes that are super fun.

Fresh off being named "International Library of The Year" our local Missoula Library has established itself as a truly community-minded establishment with so many amazing clubs and activities.

Do you have a child that you can't seem to keep entertained? Did you know there is a Lego Club? I would have absolutely loved this when I was little. Every Monday and Friday from 2:30 - 5pm in the Imaginarium your kiddos can use their imagination to create one of kind lego structures.

What if your kiddos are more digital than analog? Do they like cartoons? Of course they do! The awesome folks at the MCAT studio have designed a beginner stop animation class for kids. Seriously they are going to love this. Get the full details and register here.

Have you ever wanted to start your own podcast, but don't know where to start? A beginners Podcast course is offered and taught by our own MCAT instructors and you can easily register here.

Do you really want to be a start and want to go bigger than Podcasting? Well, you're going to need to know how to video edit, and MCAT is even offering beginner classes where you can learn the in and outs of Apple Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere.

Now that you know the ins and outs of audio and video editing, you can finally start working on that movie script you've had in mind. Yes, even a screenwriting workshop is offered by MCAT's Dylan Abrams. You can be the new Steven SpIelberg in no time. Get registered now here.

For a full list of workshops and schedules make sure to stop by the Missoula Library website often for updates and new courses.

Living in Missoula? What Your Shoe Choices Say by Looking at Them

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